A new graphic tobacco warning in 2012

U.S. unveils graphic tobacco warnings.

Diseased lungs, dead bodies, a man on a ventilator and mothers smoking close to their children's faces
are among the images U.S. health officials are considering in their effort to revamp tobacco warning labels.
The graphic health warnings," unveiled in November 2010, aim to depict the negative effects of smoking,
and they will be required on all cigarette packages and advertisements as of October 2012. More
prominent warnings on cigarette packages, including larger text labels, were mandated in a June 2009 law
putting the multibillion-dollar tobacco industry under the control of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

These warnings are based on the best evidence about how to raise awareness and concern about the
health effects of smoking with at-risk youth and smokers "For the first time ever, they will say that
tobacco products are addictive, and they will say in the bluntest of terms that tobacco can kill,"
FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg said. We need to make sure that anyone who is considering
smoking fully appreciates the consequences of cigarette use." But investors are skeptical that
the warnings will have much impact on sales of cigarettes. Charles Norton, a portfolio manager
GNI Capital, said similar efforts in other markets around the world have had a little effect. "I think
it will ultimately have a very limited impact on consumption," Norton said. Philip Morris, the largest
U.S. cigarette maker, supported the overall bill, while some smaller rivals opposed it.
( By Jon Lentz and Emily Stephenson ) Reuter, November 10, 2010

FDA unveiled graphic tobacco warning.
American Lung Association released a comment that this is an extraordinary event, which will cut the influence of
tobacco industry lasted for more than 60 years.
Minister of Hwalth welcomed this decision and said all Americans will know the risk of tobacco smoke by seeing
a warning picture of tobacco.

The smoking rate of Canada fell down 20% since 2000, when a graphic warning of tobacco started.
Twenty percent of high school students admit smoking.
The 4000 teens try smoking each day.

Do you stop smoking by seeing the picture warning?
Yes, I don't to be a such sick man in a photo.
No, smokers still continue to put a light on, if they desire so.
Source: ABC News, breadcast by NHK, November11, 2010

FDA released new warning and graphic plans for cigarette packs in November, 2010.



遅れをとっていた。アメリカ肺協会(American Lung Association)会長は「非常に画期的な出来事

カナダでは2000年にタバコの箱に警告写真を義務付けたが、その後全国の喫煙率は20% 低下した。

執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
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The article was written in November 2010 by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright(C) 2010 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

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