Toba Aquarium, Mie Prefecture


Toba Aquarium is a huge aquarium in Japan. It is located on the face to Toba Bay in Mie Prefecture.
A lot of sea animals such as Dugongs, a model of mermaid, big Africa manatees, Sea otters
and Finless-porpoise have been kept in the facility. The living thing of 1200 kinds of sea and rivers
such as fishes, the medusa, frogs, and the aquatic insects has been exhibited with the water tank
that reproduces the environment such as rivers in the coral reef and the world.

(L) Exterior of Toba Aquarium (R) A large water tank allows many fishes to swim in Toba Aquarium.

(L) Japanese amberjack is native to the northwest Pacific Ocean, from Japan to Hawaii. ブリ
(R) Paracanthurus is a species of Indo-Pacific surgeonfish. ナンヨウハギ

Mie Prefecture is long in the north and south along the sea, just facing Toba; the north is quit wave of Ise bay,
and the south faces the Kumano-Nada, where the Kuroshio crashes, so we can see the various sea creatures.

(L) Chameleon カメレオン
(R) Tortoises are the longest living land animal in the world. It ranges from the age of 80 to over 100. リクカメ

(L) Fishing cat is a medium-sized wild cat of South Asia. スナドリネコ (R) A river fish in Japan

(L) Bichir ポルプテルス・エンドリケリー
(M) Alligator gar are the largest freshwater fishes found in North America. アリゲーターガー
(R) Sturgeon fisheries are of great value as a source for caviar. チョウザメの一種で卵はキャビアとして貴重

(L) Shark サメ (M) Japanese spiny lobster 伊勢海老 (R) Squid イカ

Moray eel t ウツボ:昼間は岩陰に潜んでいることが多く夜行性の魚で鋭い歯をもっている

(L) Japanese spiny lobster 伊勢海老 (R) In Ise Bay many fishes such as snapper live.

(L) The Japanese spider crab lives in the deep water around Japan. タカアシガニ
(M) Octopuses inhabit a diverse region of the Ocean, including coral reefs, pelagic waters and the ocean floor. タコ
(R) Golden snapper, that was caught in Toba Bay. 黄金色の鯛

(L) Capybara, A native of South America: It inhabits savannas and dense forests and lives near bodies of water. カピパラ
(R) Scarlet ibis inhabits tropical South America and islands of the Caribean. ショウジョウトキ

It's time to feed Finless-porpoise

Sea otter is a marine mammal native to the coasts of the Northern Pacific Ocean. ラッコ

(L) Fur seal オットセイ (M) Stellar sea lion トド
(R) Finless-porpoise, which is found in the Yellow and East China Seas.スナメリ

ジュゴン Dugongs are found in warm costal waters from the Western Pacific Ocean to the eastern coast of Africa.
Temperature of tank water is always kept in 28℃, and under a natural light fall from above.
Dugongs eat a seaweed, Zostera marina. It is said that the cost of feeding is 20 million yen per annum.
Dugongs are one of the endangered species. Toba Aquarium is the only one to keep dugongs throughout Japan.
The voice of Dugong

Toba Aquarium

Hotel Shiojitei

Ise Grand Shrine
 Kintetsu Express

執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
The article was written and photography was taken in April 2017,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2017 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

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