Kashima Shrine, Ibaragi Prefecture

Kashima-jingu Shrine is one of the oldest shrines in eastern Japan. It is located in the center of Kashima,
it is believed to have been built during the 6th century B.C. by Japan's first emperor, Jimmu. It is dedicated
to the deity of martial arts; this ancient wonder lies just outside Tokyo.
It takes about two hours from a train from Tokyo area to Kashima-jingu shrine station. The shrine is located
in a 10-minute walk from the station.

JR Narita Station

(L) Kashima line train at Sahara station (R) A long railway bridge over Tone River

(L) 常陸利根川 (R) ) Kashima line train is entering a tunnel.

(L) Kashima line train is crossing the Kitaura. (M) Kashima Jingu station (R) A deer sculpture on a sidewalk

Kashima Shrine(鹿島神宮) is located at the top of the Kashima plateau in south-east Ibaraki Prefecture,
intersecting Kitaura (北浦) and Kashimanada (鹿島灘). Before the Meiji restoration, together with Ise Jingu
and Katori Shrine, all three were given the status as Jingu (神宮), a shrine of high Imperial status.


(L) Main rebuilt torii gate of Kashima Shrine 大鳥居 (R) 楼門に掲げられた天皇即位祝賀
(L) 参道 An approach (R) Temizusha, purification through a hand-washing basin

Romon 楼門(国の重要文化財)「日本三大楼門」の1つ

(L) Guide map (M) Tall natural cedar trees 境内の社叢 (R) A spring water flowing into Mitarashi pond

(L) Natural cedar trees growing on both sides of the approach (R) Priests holding a bow

(L) The entrance to natural cedar tree area (M) Bow target curtain (R) Priests who have finished the bow event

(L) 奥宮 (R)) A giant root of cedar tree

(L) A giant root of cedar tree (R) Mitarashi (御手洗池) reflecting pond 御手洗池

Official Site of Meiji Shrine
Ise Grand Shrine, Mie
Izumo Grand Shrine
Sensouji Temple, Asakusa

Smoking Restriction at Hotels in the World: Actual Survey
The ratio of a non-smoking guest room to the total hotel rooms was calculated,
based on-the-spot investigation.

2019年11月 執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The article was written and photographs were taken in November 2019,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2019 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

Domestic Travel in Japan

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

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