
 Tobacco Mafia??
出典:Record China:G20 February 2013 in Moscow
Finance Minister of Japan Rocks Gangster-style for G-20 Trip.
Finance ministers are not often recognized for their fashion sense. However, Japanese finance minister Taro Aso
set ablaze with his gangster-style attire as he was leaving Japan for the G-20 meeting in Moscow.
Source: Wall Street Journal, Feburaury 15, 2013


Political Background: Abe-Aso Cabinet leaders to support smoking

In June 2017, the former Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Shiozaki has said that the anti-smoke law should
not be ashamed before the world. The minister stressed that many citizens still suffer serious second-hand smoke
in public facilities,such as restaurants and workplaces. He also said,' For the 2020 Tokyo-Olympic, we are
responsible for succeeding the tradition of the Olympic without tobacco.

If a restricted exception was set up at a small-scale restaurant, the Minister said that the principles and exceptions
would reserve and in most restaurants and bars, and the user can put a cigarette at a food-serving shop.

The flow of politics has changed greatly toward unfavorable direction, in August 2017.Prime Minister Abe and
Finance Minister, Aso dismissed Minister Shiozaki, because he disagreed to a request of LDP members who
admit smoking in the restaurant and bars. As a result, the Tobacco Chairperson of LDP was nominated as
a Minisiter in demand of Tokyo Olympic Games. He is the brother in law of Finance Minister Aso. At the same time,
Representative Kato, who claims a separate smoking booth in a restaurant, was newly appointed as the next
Minister of Health.

Mr. Aso was in good humor in a pub, before he resigned in 2009.



会員:加藤 勝信 (元厚生労働大臣) 2017-2023年現在

執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
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This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The article was written in August 2017, by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., Ph.D.
Information was added in July, 2023.
Copyright(C) 2017 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel
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