Amsterdam tramways


City map of Amsterdam

Amsterdam tramways・・Amsterdam is the capital and largest city of the Netherlands. The city, which includes
suburbs, has a population of 1.36 million (January 2008), the sixth-largest metropolitan area in Europe.

Public transport in Amsterdam mainly consists of bus and tram lines. There are 16 different tramlines. The metro
has at present four lines, with a fifth line, the North/South line, under construction. For tickets of a tramcar,
Amsterdam is divided into zones. Each trip you take is priced based on the number of zones that you travel.
One zone for an adult is 1,60 Euros. Each additional zone will cost you 80 Cents. The prices for seniors and children
are 80 Cents.

City bus and tram cars in front of the Amsterdam Central Station

A tram car runs along the Amsterdam canal and in front of a cathedral.

A tram car runs in front of a department store.

A tram car passing through in front of the brewery store

Amsterdam tram cars running beside office and residence buildings

A night view of Amsterdam Central Station and tramcars
Photographed in May, 2010.

内側の旧市街地では道路幅が狭く自家用車の使用は困難であり、 バスもほとんど運行されていないことから、トラムが主要な

ようにしたところもある。 ほぼ全線が複線であるが、ライツェ通りのように特に幅の狭い道路では単複線になっており、

Netherland Schiphol Airport and Railways Amsterdam tram Amsterdam city 1 Amsterdam city 2


2010年5月執筆  医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
The article was written and photographs were taken in May, 2010、by Dr. Junhaku Miyamoto.
Copyright(C) 2010 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

Amsterdam, a quiet and confused capital of Netherlands

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