East Japan Railway Company prohibits smoking inside of the train.

Smokefree policy is enforced at the JR-East Company, except for a night train.
This photo was taken in April 2009.

North East Express 485, Ohdate- Aomori

East Japan Railway Company is the largest passenger railway company throughout the world, and one of
the seven Japan Railway group companies. The company's name is officially abbreviated as JR-East.
The headquarter is in Yoyogi, in front of Shinjuku station, Tokyo. JR-East was incorporated in 1987,
after being spun off from the government-run Japanese National Railways. Its railway lines primarily serve
Kanto and Tohoku regions, along with adjacent areas in Niigata, Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefectures.

Smoke-free Platforms in JR-East JR東日本  首都圏の駅ホームを全面禁煙へ

Many train passengers wanted to prohibit smoking at railway plateform. 引用 2008.12.11NHK放送画面

ほか常磐線の取手駅、京葉線の蘇我駅、横須賀線の逗子駅、中央線の高尾駅までが含まれる。 JR東日本ではエリア

NHK broadcasting on April 1, 2009 (L) Announcement of total smoking ban in JR-East (R) No more smoking space
NHK broadcasting, April 1, 2009
(L) This woman said the new policy of JR-East is very welcomed, because we do not need to breathe in tobacco smoke.
(R) This man said it is a very good thing, it provides super chance for me to stop smoking.

引用:2009年8月29日 朝日新聞

Starting April 2009, most metropolitan JR-Eas train stations will go to smoke free, and ashtrays in platform
are being removed from 201 JR East stations. The smoke-free zone covers the area of a radius of 40 to 50
kilometers. Later, in October 2009, JR-East expanded a smoking ban to a platform of 378 stations, with an
area of radius of 70 kilometers of Central Tokyo. The new regulation exempted closed smoking booths in
Tohoku and Jyoetsu Shinkansen platforms of Tokyo station.

A smoking booth on the JR-East Shinkansen platform of Tokyo Central Station

(L) No-smoking sign board at Tokyo Central Station of the JR-East side
The numbers of station which prohibit smoking will be 201 from April 2009.
(R) It says JR-East extended to the area of nonsmoking stations much wider from October 2009.

JR bans smoking at Tokyo-area stations.

Most metropolitan East Japan Railway Co. train stations will go to smoke free, and platform ashtrays are
being removed from 201JR East stations on 17 lines, including the Yamanote, Chuo, Sobu and Keihin-Tohoku
lines. The smoke-free zone covers a radius of 40 to 50 kilometers. Most railways running through Tokyo
had already prohibited smoking by the Law established in 2003, which requesting public facilities to
establish measures to prevent exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke. .

"We received many complaints from nonsmokers who were very concerned about the tobacco-smoke
released by smokers." a JR East spokesman said of the carrier's December decision to initiate the ban.  
Dr. Manabu Sakuta, chairman of the Japan Society for Tobacco Control said dividing smoking and
nonsmoking areas is not enough to prevent exposure to passive smoking. "If one person smokes, the
secondhand smoke can reach a radius of 7 meters," he said. "This means separate smoking areas are
not effective in preventing smoking from other people's tobacco-smoke.

At Shinagawa Station in Tokyo, smokers who had gathered around an ashtray at the end of the Keihin-Tohoku
Line platform were resigned to the loss of their tobacco stand. I come to Tokyo often on the Joetsu
Shinkansen, which is completely nonsmoking since 2007. I can manage," he said. It used to be hard when
the bans started since 2003, but now it's clearer where we can smoke. So even if this is gone, I'm sure we
smokers will find somewhere to go.
Source: Japan Times, April 1, 2009, written by Setuko Kamiya

Smoking ban started at Tokyo JR stations.

JR-East completely banned smoking in about 200 stations in and around Tokyo area starting April 2009,
after workers spent all night removing ashtrays from platforms. According to East Japan Railway Co.,
the ban was imposed in stations within a radius of up to 50 kms from Tokyo Station, that include the stations
in Chiba, Kanagawa, Saitama and Ibaraki prefectures. The ban covers most stations in Tokyo and some in
surrounding prefectures. However, smokers will still be able to use special smoking rooms with ventilators at
the Tokyo, Ueno, Shinjuku and Omiya major stations. There is really no place to smoke," said a 25-year-old
company worker who used to smoke on station platforms while waiting for trains. "But I have to accept it
because it's the trend of the times.
Source: Kyodo News April 2, 2009.


屋内喫煙所 Smoking Room inside, JR-East

Yuze-Onsen railway station has a smoking room inside, between a waiting room and railway platform.

(L) An enclosed smoking booth at the plateform of Marioka Shinkansen station
(R) An enclosed smoking booth at the plateform of Tokyo JR-East Shinkansen station

JR東日本管内喫煙車両 2016年4月現在
The following night trains provide a smoking vehicle.

カシオペア(上野-札幌) Cassiopeia (Ueno-Sapporo)  廃止済み  This train will be abolished in March 2016.
北斗星(上野-札幌) The Big Dipper (Ueno-Sapporo) 廃止済み This train has been abolished.
あけぼの(上野-青森)Dawn ( Ueno-Aomori) 廃止済み This train has been abolished.
日本海(大阪-青森)The Sea of Japan (Ohsaka-Aomori) 廃止済み This train has been abolished.
サンライズ瀬戸・出雲(東京-高松、出雲市)Sunrise Seto, Sunrise Izumo (Tokyo-Takamatsu, Tokyo-Izumoshi)
トワイライトエクスプレス(大阪-札幌) Twilight Express (Osaka-Sapporo) 廃止済み  This train has been abolished.

Tokyo Terminal

Every Shinkansen train between Tokyo and Kanazawa, via Nagano, is smoke-free, and has no-enclosed smoking rooms.
  ・・・JR-East and JR-west

Hokuriku shinkansen trains

All Hokuriku shinkansen trains are smoke-free.

All Shinkansen trains run between Tokyo and Hakata, via Osaka, have enclosed smoking rooms.
  ・・・JR Tokai and JR West

The smoking room in the train infringes the health of the passengers.”
 朗報 東海道新幹線の車内が2024年春から完全禁煙になる。 JR東海は、東海道新幹線の車内にある「喫煙ルーム」
 を、2024年の春にすべて廃止すると発表した。 JR西日本も、JR九州も同時期に廃止する。健康増進志向の高まりや


画像引用 NHK 2023.10.17


It has been announced that all both inside the Tokaido Shinkansen train will be abolished in March 2024.
JR-West and JR-Kyushu and Kintestu-Express trains will also abolish it at the same time.
The reason is said by these rail companies to be a decline in smoking rates.
However, smoking had been completely prohibited inside JR-Hokkaido trains in 2006, JR-East trains in 2007,
except for night trains.
By 2007, smoking on trains had been completely banned in all countries in Europe, USA and Canada.●●●

 JR Hokkaido
A new deluxe sleeper-train provides smoking vehicles 2017.
喫煙車両新規製造:警告 タバコ副流煙による健康障害を受ける可能性が少なくない

JR groups


Smoke-free railway systems

(L) 京成スカイライナー(R) Narita Airport - Tokyo Railway services 成田空港ー東京都市圏間鉄道

All non-smoking Tokyo-Aomori bullet train 'Hayabusa' debuted in March 2011.
Maximum speed is 320 kms/H, the same level of France's TGV, the world fastest train.


All non-smoking Tokyo-Akita bullet train 'Super-Komachi' debuted in March 2013.

Hayabusa, the new 300 km/h shinkansen train operated by East Japan Railway Company

North East Express, Japan (Oodate, Hirosaki, Aomori )


Smoking ban in the railway trains of the world


(左)特急あずさ E353:山梨市駅で撮影 (右)座席上ランプ案内

座席上ランプ Green予約済み  Red 予約なしの空席 Yellow 現在空席だが予約済み

座ることができ、乗る列車が決まったら追加料金なしで指定席への変更ができる。 料金は、座席指定・未指定とも同額。

執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
The article was written in July 2007, and last revised in January 2017,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Information was added in June, October 2019 and November 2023.
Copyright (C) 2007 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.



Smoke-free Hotel and Travel
受動喫煙防止条例  屋内全面禁煙  屋内喫煙設備撤去 鉄道車内完全禁煙 レンタカー レストラン バー 飲食店 ホテル 空港 喫煙規制
Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban
  Twitter@worldviewtokyo Twitter@smokefreejpn Twitter@criticismjpn