No-smoking policy in all Amtrak trains ( USA )

Amtrak railway routes アムトラック路線図(アムトラックは全面禁煙)

(L) Southwest Chief ( Chicago-Los Angeles ) (R) Acela Express ( Boston-Washington,DC)

Amtrak train serving Seattle and Chicago: two night and three-day trip
米国 Amtrak シアトル・シカゴ間 2泊3日間は喫煙禁止、全面禁煙(喫煙ブースを完全排除))
Where and When Smoking is Permitted: On Amtrak trains and other services
where there is no smoking,
passengers may smoke on station platforms at longer stops only when announced
by train crews.
Smoking devices, such as electronic cigarettes, are not allowed in any
area on trains,
on Thruway services, in stations or in any other location where smoking
is prohibited.
No-smoking policy in all VIA trains ( Canada )
The VIA rail offers a completely smoke-free environment in all our trains,
as well as in all our stations.
The railway company wishes to thank smokers for their understanding and
To know if smoking is permitted at certain stops along the way, please
refer to your specific train
route below:
Trains in the Quebec City-Windsor corridor
No smoking is permitted during station stops.
Montreal-Halifax ( the Ocean ) and Montreal-Gaspe
You will be able to smoke when the train stops in Charny, New Carlisle,
Campbellton and Moncton.
Toronto-Vancouver ( the Canadian )
You may get off the train to smoke during stops at Capreol, Hornepayne,
SiouxLookout, Winnipeg,
Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Kamloops.
Those wishing to smoke will be able to do so during regular station stops
at Pas, Thompson
and Gillam.

VIA train serving Vancouver and Toronto: three night and four-day trip
カナダ VIA バンコーバー・トロント間 3泊4日の間は喫煙禁止、全面禁煙(喫煙ブースを完全排除))
Enforcement of smoking regulations
VIA personnel are bound by law to enforce regulations.
Read about sanctions applicable to offenders before you board.
No-smoking policy in all TranzAlpine and TranzCoastal trains ( New Zealand)
The TranzAlpine train is reserved seating 'One Class Non Smoking' service.
The TranzCoastal train is reserved seating 'One Class/Non Smoking' service.

TranzAlpine and TranzCoastal trains ( New Zealand )
A separate smokers' capsule provided in Indian Pacific ( Australia ) was
Smoking is already prohibited on trains and covered stations, and this
ban will now be extended to include
all platforms and interchanges, regardless of whether they are covered
or not. From January 2013, smoking
is banned at all public transport stops and stations in NSW ( New South
Wales ).
The law extends the smoking ban to cover the outdoor areas of bus stops,
railway platforms, ferry wharves,
taxi ranks and light rail stations.
No-smoking policy in all trains in France, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Norway
and Denmark

(L) TVG Bar-car at Paris Rail Terminal (M) Portugal's AP Express train(R)
Spain's AVE Renfe express train
(L) フランス TVG Bar-car (M) ポルトガル急行列車 (R) スペイン AVE Renfe 急行列車は全面禁煙
Federal law prohibits smoking in a railway train in Portugal, Spain, France,
and Italy. Deutsche Bahn
banned smoking on all trains in the country. In 2005, total ban was enforced
for all trains in Switcherland.
No-smoking rule has been applied for train in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
Total smoking ban was
enforced in trains and railway stations in Belgium.

German's ICE and Austrian Railjet ドイツ ICE とオーストリア Railjet(完全禁煙)

A restaurant car in a Swiss train and German train
(L) スイス鉄道レストラン (R)ドイツ鉄道レストラン(完全禁煙)
The Railjet is a high-speed OBB (Austrian Railways) train and non-smoking.
All trains run at Swiss Federal
Railways and at German railways (DB) are smokefree. No-smoking vehicle
nor smoking booth is provided.
No-smoking policy in all trains in Ireland and UK

No smoking in the express train between Dublin and Belfast.
All public transport needs to display no-smoking symbol, in England, Wales,
Scotland and Northern Ireland.
No-smoking policy in all trains in Taiwan, Thailand, Korea and in India

(L) Taiwan high-speed railway train (R) Taiwan local railway train
(L) 台湾高速鉄道 (R) 台湾ロ−カル鉄道:台湾の鉄道は全面禁煙
Federal law prohibits smoking in trains in Taiwan. India enforced a complete
smoking ban at rail station and
in trains. No smoking is allowed in Thailand. However, the writer observed
a few smokers were put the light
on the rear deck of a train. Smoking is not permitted on any of Korean
trains or stations, including open
railway plateform.

(L) Korean super-express train (R) In all Indian rail trains, smoking is
(L) 韓国高速鉄道は全面禁煙 (R) インドの鉄道は全面禁煙
Smoking on trains is banned in many countries. With stricter more bans
coming into effect every year, train
passengers should count on being able to smoke in the train vehicle. Until
a few years ago, smoking booth was
provided in the vehicle of the Indian Pacific, Australia; however, it has
been removed. At present, no smoking
is permitted onboard at all. In June 2013, a small smoking booth set in
the Aurola-Borealis-Express train in
Finland has been abolished. Since smoking is prohibited in all super-express
trains in China, the only operating
smoking vehicles supported by law, at the point of March 2017, would be
in Japan. This is because of a poor
understanding in the adverse effect of a tobacco-smoke, which is observed
in the three major railway
companies and health officials of Japanese government.
All Chinese high-speed rains are smoke-free.

Chinese high-speed train 中国全土の高速鉄道は全面禁煙
All Russian Trains are smoke-free.

Siemens-made high-speed train, Sapson connects 650 km length in 3 hours
50 minutes to 4 hours 30 minutes,
between two megalopolis of Russia, Moscow and Saint Petersburg. It is a
major traffic artery in the north-west
region of Russia.
A high-speed train connecting Saint Petersburg with Moscow, Sapsan
( Video running time: 61 minutes )

Allegro フィンランド、ロシア間を走る国際列車、アレグロは全面禁煙
The Allegro is a high-speed train service between Helsinki, Finland, and
St. Petersburg, Russia. The express train
runs between Helsinki and Saint Petersburg in 3 hours and 36 minutes. The
units are equipped for both the
Finnish and Russian railway technical systems. Doors have a retractable
step to make boarding from both
Finnish 550 mm-high and Russian 1,100 mm-high platforms easy.
Allegro express trains linking Saint Petersburg, Russai and Helsinki, Finland
( Video running time: 55 minutes )
Long-distance trains of the Canadian (the distance traveled: 4,466 km)
and the Southwest Chief
(the distance traveled: 3,645 km) prohibit smoking inside of trains. The
Indian Pacific
(the distance traveled: 4,352 km) in Australia and all Russian trains,
including the Trans-Siberian Railway,
are smokefree and no passengers can smoke.

Indoor smoking ban in each country
★'一匹狼の国' 口絵より引用--著者自身が自己の現地検証と複数の信頼できる資料をもとに作成
Copyright (C)2015 Junhaku Miyamoto All rights reserved.
Olympic Games and a restriction of smoking in a train by the host countries
1948 |
London (UK) |
1952 |
XV |
Helsinki(Finland) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
1956 |
Melbourne (Australia) Smoking is prohibited in a train.
Stickholm(Sweden) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
1960 |
Roma(Italy) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
1964 |
Tokyo(Japan) Smoking is allowed in a train ( JR Tokai ). |
1968 |
Mexico City(Mexico) Inadequate information |
1972 |
XX |
Munich(West Germany) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
1976 |
Montral(Canada) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
1980 |
Moscow(Soviet Union) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
1984 |
Los Angeles(United States) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
1988 |
Seoul(Korea) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
1992 |
Barcelona(Spain) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
1994 |
Lillehammer(Norway) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
1996 |
Atlanta(United State) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
1998 |
Nagano(Japan) Smoking is prohibited in a train( JR East ). |
2000 |
Sydney(Australia) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
2002 |
Salt Lake City(United State) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
2004 |
Athenes(Greece) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
2006 |
Turin(Italy) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
2008 |
Beijing(China) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
2010 |
Vancouver(Canada) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
2012 |
London(UK) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
2014 |
Sochi(Russia) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
2016 |
Rio de Janeiro(Brazil) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
2018 |
Pyengchang County(Korea) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
2020 |
Tokyo(Japan) Smoking is allowed in a train ( JR Tokai ). |
2022 |
Beijing(China) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
2024 |
Paris(France) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
2028 |
Los Angeles(USA) Smoking is prohibited in a train. |
★This table shows the smoking ban in a train at the Olympic host countries
in and after July 2014.
China Government charges 2,000 Yuan for a violation of smoking restriction
in a high-speed train.
In UK, a penalty of the maximum 200 pounds is applied for a smoking at
a smoke-free designated vehicle.
Japanese Government admit to installing a smoking booth in a train to support
smoking act.
The smoking space in a train is necessary for all smokers? Is that the
superb service to a train passenger?
A smoking booth or smoking vehicle is provided in a super-express train
operated by three major Japanese
railway companies.
All sleeper-trains in Japan, except for Seven-Stars by JR-Kyushu, are connecting
a smoking vehicle.
JR-West and JR-East's new deluxe sleeper-trains provide smoking vehicles,
that start operation in 2017.
China prohibited smoking in all high-speed trains.
During a trip, all the carriages are closed and equipped with smoke-alarms,
so smoking is banned, not even
in the connections of cars or toilets. According to the Railway Security
Management Regulation, which newly
released by the State Council, smoking is banned on high-speed trains and
the non-smoking area of other
trains. Those who violate the regulation will be fined CNY500- 2,000.
The law was enforced in January 2014.
Reference: TravelChinaGuide. com
Japan is the only country which allows a smoking car and express car with
smoking booth.
Among the advanced industrial counties, Japan is the sole nation in which
a smoking car is running.
Japanese Government allows smoking in the railway trains: however, a few
Japanese people have doubted
about that it is very unusual thing.
Three major Japanese railway companies think that the smoking car and/or
smoking booth
in a train are the superb service for train passengers.
All sleeper-trains in Japan are connecting a smoking vehicle.
JR's N700 high-speed train provides a smoking room.
The smoking room in the train infringes the health of the passengers.
Kinki-Nippon Railway Company claims the necessity of installing the room for smokers in all
express trains.
The smoking room in the train adversely affects the health of the passengers.
Kyushu Shinkansen provides a smoking room.
A new ( 2017 ) deluxe sleeper-train by JR-West and JR-East provides smoking vehicle.
Smoking booth of Odakyu Electric Company was closed in March 2007.
Smoking booth of JR Shikoku's express train was closed in March 2011.
The smoking space in a train is necessary for all smokers? Is that the
superb service to a train passenger?
A smoking booth or smoking vehicle is provided in a super-express train
operated by JR-Tokai and
All Hokuriku shinkansen trains are smoke-free.
All Hokuriku shinkansen trains are smoke-free.
Smoking Room in Airport Narita Airport provides at least 43smoking rooms, the world's second largest.
Smoking Room in Airport Haneda Airport provides 69 smoking rooms, the world's largest.
Smoking Room in Airport: A door-less smoking room in the New Chitose Airport,
Health ministry urges smoking ban for restaurants, other indoor spaces.
Japan should aim at a 100 per cent ban on smoking indoors, instead of setting up smoking rooms.
The report cites a World Health Organization estimate showing secondhand
smoking causes around 15,000
deaths annually in Japan, making it one of the worst for inaction on passive
Source: The Japan Times August 31, 2016
Attention: We found that the smoking restriction proposed by Japanese Government is
excluding in a railway train.
Health Ministry Panel 2016:
Japan's effort to curb exposure to secondhand smoke is one of the worst in the world.
★This video was up in YouTube by Anthony Leong.


バンクーバー・トロント間、4,466 kmを4泊5日間で走る ( The Canadian ) でも、アムトラック、シカゴ、
ロスアンジェルス間, 3,645キロを3泊4日間で走る旅 ( Southwest Chief )でも全面禁煙とされており、


走行する列車(Indian Pacific train )に喫煙ブースが設けられていた。しかし現在、完廃されており、
鉄道列車は全面禁煙となっている。現在、喫煙できる車両を合法的に運行しているのは, 日本だけの
ようである。 しかし、国民はそれを極めて異常なことと認識していない。

The 10 longest nonstop flight in the World(比較参考)
禁煙していることが出来ないのか? JR東海、JR西日本、近鉄は『鉄道車内喫煙禁止の世界ルール』
「一匹狼の国」著者 医学博士 宮本順伯
「一匹狼の国」著者 医学博士 宮本順伯
列車内の喫煙室を上質の旅客サービスと考える(時代錯誤の)JR 東海、JR 西日本
Three major Japanese railway companies think that the smoking car and/or
smoking booth
in a train are the superb service for train passengers.
The smoking room in the train infringes the health of the passengers.(英語版)
Health Ministry Panel 2016:
Japan's effort to curb exposure to secondhand smoke is one of the worst in the world.
The smoking room in the train adversely affects the health of the passengers. (英語版)
新幹線 N700 に喫煙ブース
France フランス 2004年 TGVを全車禁煙 
2006年 在来線を全車禁煙
2007年 法令により公共交通機関をすべて禁煙
Germany ドイツ 20079月 法令により鉄道全車両を禁煙、タクシーも全車禁煙 
Italy 2004年12月 イタリア 法令により鉄道車内を全車禁煙 
Korea 韓国 2003年に鉄道、バスを全車禁煙 
台湾 2009年に鉄道、バスを全車禁煙 
中国 2014年 高速鉄道を全車禁煙 
USA 米国 2004年 全車禁煙 
Canada .カナダ2004年(時期推定) 全車禁煙 
Russia ロシア 2014年 長距離列車を含むすべての列車内での喫煙禁止 
長距離列車内でも、いまや喫煙行為は全く不可。「一匹狼の国」 35頁記載

All Hokuriku shinkansen trains are smoke-free.
日本で唯一、全車禁煙のクルーズ寝台、七つ星 (JR九州)
This is the first time that sleeper-train prohibits smoking inside.
The next: A newly introduced smokefree deluxe sleeper-train in Kyushu, Japan
全車禁煙の豪華急行、Royal Express (伊豆急、東急電鉄)
執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
★This Web site is link-free.
The contents and photographs were provided by Junhaku Miyamoto, MD, PhD.
The article was written in August 2010, and a final revision was made in
August 2023.
Copyright (C) 2010 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

Travel by Train
All railway trains should be completely smoke -free.