Arriving to Beijing Capital International Airport

Haneda to Beijing

(L) Boarding gate information plate (R) Tokyo International Airport seen from the aircraft

(L) A snow-covered Japan Alps (M) (R) The aircraft is just flying the eastern edge of China.

Air view of the buildings next to Beijing Capital Airport

(L)(R) JAL aircraft arrived Beijing Capital Airport.

JAL aircraft is arriving at Bejing Capital Airport.

目立ち始めているが、 中国では個人には土地の所有権はなく国家が保有するので、政府の計画で自由に建築
プロジェクトを進めることが出来る。 その結果、都市近郊には巨大な高層建築群が誕生する。国民はこうした
建物自体は60年を過ぎると、その価値をほぼ消失することが多いので、生涯、賃貸住宅で 生活することになる。

A charming lady of the special support service was waiting at a passenger board bridge on time of the aircraft arrived at in Beijing Capital Airport.
She immediately received a carry-on-suit case and began a walk on a moving walkway towards the immigration inspection.

(L) So many passengers were waiting in a long line before the immigration inspection desk ( Border Control ).
However, we were taken to the special lane (特別通道), and we could pass the barrier very quickly.
(R) The platform of the train, connecting the arrival lobby and baggage-claim site

(L) A tram is running, connecting the arrival lobby and baggage-claim site. (R) Baggage-claim lobby

(L) Baggage-claim lobby
(M) This picture shows a meeting place. However, the woman airport assistant ignored these lines and turned to the private aisle.
(R) A private elevator, for which a security card is mandatory to ride it.

(L) This is a private corridor to the lower-level parking lot, where a particularly arranged hire was waiting.
(M) Beijing subway was observed in the left of the highway. (R) ETC car gate

(L) ETC car gate (R) A hire was approaching just before the Beijing's expressway gate.

Beijing Capital has rapidly ascended in rankings of the world's busiest airports in the past decade.
It became the busiest airport in Asia in terms of passenger traffic and total traffic movements.
It has been the world's second busiest airport in terms of passenger traffic since 2010.

一般客が長い列を並んで多大の時間を費やしている傍らで、「特別通道」,「Special lane」と表示されたデスクで、
「 baggage claim」行きのエアポートトレインに乗り、税関を通り抜け、荷物を受け取った後には、誰もいない

China in 2019
Arrival to Beijing Airport High-grade Hotels in Beijing Great Wall in China Forbidden City in Beijing
Jingshan Park and Temple of Heaven, Beijing Summer Palace in Beijing Beijing Restaurants
High-speed train in China Hotels in Nanjing and Shanghai Metro in Nanjing and Shanghai
Cities of Nanjing and Shanghai A fast-growing nation, China Smoking ban in China in 2019
Departure from Shanghai Airport

Shanghai in 2013
Shanghai's Smoking Ban Smoking Ban in Restaurant looks hazy Smoking Ban in Restaurant appeared to fail.
Suzhou Shanghai Shanghai Hotels Shanghai Railways Shanghai Life Smoking in Shanghai in 2013

執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.

The article was written and photography was taken in May 2019,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright(C) 2019 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

High-grade Hotels in Beijing

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel
受動喫煙防止条例  屋内全面禁煙  屋内喫煙設備撤去 鉄道車内完全禁煙 レンタカー レストラン バー 飲食店 ホテル 空港 喫煙規制
Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban
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