Tobacco Package in Thailand

Pictorial warning of health hazard of smoking is enforced by the law.

In Thailand, the regulation requires to print Pictorial Health Warning on a
cigarette packaging which manufactured in or imported into Thailand.

A tax-free cigarette shop on the 4th floor of the Bangkok International Airport.

Pictorial warning of health hazard of smoking printed in tobacco packages.

Pictorial warning of health hazard of smoking printed in tobacco packages.

A tax-free cigarette shop on the 3rd floor of the Bangkok International Airport.

Pictorial Health Warning for smoking is enforced by the Thailand law

Pictorial warning of health hazard of smoking printed in tobacco packages.

Pictorial warning of health hazard of smoking printed in tobacco packages.

Pictorial warning of health hazard of smoking printed in tobacco packages.


Pictorial warning of health hazard of smoking printed in tobacco packages.

A cigarette sale in a city and pictorial health warning for smoking. Thailand enforced the concealed
sale of tobacco products at a convenience store.

Display stand with a shutter for cigarette sale in a convenient store in Bangkok.


(L) A terminal lung cancer patient waiting for death. (R) Mouth cancer due to smoking.

(L) A serious hazard to a baby caused by smoking. (R) An advanced cancer caused by smoking.

(L) A cancer change of the lungs due to smoking.
(R) An advanced throat cancer. This man respirates through the artificial hole punctuated in the neck.

(L) A lung cancer patient waiting for a death. (R) A receipt of cigarette sale in Bangkok, Thailand.

Tobacco Prices ( January 2009 ).
DUNHILL FROST ・・・ ¥191 (Yen )  $2.25 (US Dollar)
PALL MALL WHIT ・・・・・  ¥125   $1.47
WONDER (local pruduct)・・・・・  ¥81  $0.96
L&M MENTHOL ・・・・・ ¥125  $1.47
LONDON KINGSIZE ・・・・・ ¥127   $1.50
DUNHILL RED ・・・・・  ¥191   $2.25
L&M SELECT ・・・・・  ¥135  $1.59

Railway ticket price between Ayutthaya and Bangkok( 87km ) is 15 Baht =45 US cent.
バンコク市内でのハイオク91ガソリンは1リットル 16.09バーッ、日本円で1リットル 40.5円
Super premium gasoline price in Bangkok is 16.09 Baht = 48 US cent/liter.
( Jan.2009 )

The United Nations health agency called on governments to require that all tobacco packages
include pictures to warn consumers of the ill effects of tobacco use, which kills more than five million
people every year. Studies reveal that even among people who believe tobacco is harmful.
Few understand its specific health risks. Health warnings on the tobacco package share a simple,
cheap and effective strategy that can vastly reduce a tobacco use and save lives. Studies carried out
on the use of warnings employing both pictures and text in Brazil, Canada, Singapore and Thailand
reveal remarkably consistent findings on their positive impact.


効果的な手法だ」と強調している。 引用 2009.5.30 ジュネーブ 共同通信

Smoking ban in restaurants and bars in Thailand

 Smoking rooms in hotels in Thailand

Arrival to Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport  The city of Bangkok Bangkok Palaces
Wat Pho, Wat Arun, Bangkok Floating market in Thailand  The railways in and around Bangkoko
Ayuttaya, World heritage  Departure from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport

写真撮影 2009年1月 2009年2月加筆 2009年10月英文加筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This website is link free.
The photographs were taken in January 2009, the article was written in February 2009,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.

元の画面に戻るためには、ブラウザ左上の(戻る) をクリックのこと

Tobacco Sales and Health Warning
Canada    Denmark   Iceland    Finland   Brazil Miami smoking ban USA 2012

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

受動喫煙防止条例  屋内全面禁煙  屋内喫煙設備撤去 鉄道車内完全禁煙 レンタカー レストラン バー 飲食店 ホテル 空港 喫煙規制
Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban
  Twitter@worldviewtokyo Twitter@smokefreejpn Twitter@criticismjpn