

Great Oyster Bay on the Freycinet Peninsula

Tasmania is an Australian island and state. It is located 240kms south of the eastern side of the continent.
The state population is estimated, in 2008, as 500,000. The state capital and the largest city is Hobart.
Tasmania has many rounded smooth mountain ranges, making it the most mountainous state in Australia.
It is more prominent in the Central Highland area, which covers most of the central western parts of the state.
Source: Wikipedia

(L) Satellite picture of the Freycinet Peninsula in Tasmania
(R) A view of Coles Bay from the Mt.Mayson, Freycinet National Park
, photographed by Dr. J.Miyamoto in May 2001.

A map of Tasmania. Source: Wikipedia
A friendly staff in a tea house near Launceston, sells a rich and varied delicious honey.
The picture was photographed in May 2001.

The Grand Hotel Hobart and fishing boats in the harbour of Hobart, Tasmania

(L) Southwestern mountain range of the Tasmanian Island (R) Hobart International Airport
These were photographed in May 2001.

Smoke-free Areas in Tasmania

In Tasmania, the Public Health Act 1997 creates smoke-free areas in order to protect the public and
workers from the harmful effects of environmental tobacco smoke. The legislation requires all indoor
public places and workplaces, including licensed premises, to be smoke-free and creates obligations
for businesses, employers and smokers. There are penalties for people who smoke in smoke-free areas
and occupiers who allow people to smoke in smoke-free areas.

The following areas must be smoke-free:
All indoor areas at public places and workplaces including offices, shopping centres, factories,
hospitals, bars and nightclubs, gaming areas, indoor areas at restaurants
A corridors, toilets, function rooms and movie theatres
Areas within 3 meters of a doorway to a public building
Areas within 10 meters of air intake for ventilation equipment servicing a public building
Work vehicles when another person is present. After 1 January 2008, a person must not smoke
inside a vehicle if a child ( being a person under the age of 18 years ) is inside the vehicle.
Reserved seating areas of outdoor sporting or cultural venues

Smoking is permitted in the following areas, unless the occupier has designated the area as smoke-free:
Personal living areas,such as hotel/motel rooms and caravans ( check individual policy )
Residential care facilities
Outdoor areas on licensed premises
50% of Outdoor dining areas at licensed premises, restaurants, cafes, snack bars and takeaway food shops
Within 3 meters of a doorway at some premises, where food and tables are provided for a dining.

The Risk for Smokes in a Smoke-Free Area
The smoker risks an on-the-spot fine of $240 and/or prosecution. The maximum fine for an offence
is $2400.The owner/manager also risks an on-the-spot fine of $100 and/or prosecution.
The maximum fine for an offence is $6000.
Source: Department of Health and Human Service, Tasmania


Smoking Ban in Australian States:

Federal level:
Federal law bans smoking in all Australian Commonwealth government buildings, public transport, airports,
and international and domestic flights.
New South Wales:
A total enclosed space ban was introduced in New South Wales in July 2007.
Smoking is prohibited in all pubs, restaurants and workplaces in Queensland, since July 2006.
It was announced that smoking in cars where children under the age of 16 are present was banned
since May 2009.
South Australia:
A total enclosed public place smoking ban was introduced in South Australia in November 2007.
Tasmania was the first Australian state to introduce a total smoking ban in January 2006.
From January 2008, smoking in cars with passengers under the age of 18 is banned and incur a$110 on
the spot fine.
A total enclosed public place smoking ban was introduced in Victoria in July 2007.
Western Australia:
Western Australia is the second Australian sate to ban smoking in all indoor areas of pubs, bars and
clubs from July 2006.
* There are various exceptions in the smoking bans in the Australian states.

Australia 2007-2012
Australia Airport of Australia Northern Territory Kangaroo Island Adelaide Noosa Heads
Brisbane casino Brisbane railways Tobacco law in Queensland Western Australia Tasmania

Australia 2014
Arrival to Australia Canberra Railways in NSW Sydney East coast of New South Wales
Gold Coast Hotels of Canberra and Sydney Hotels of the sea-resort
Hotels of Gold Coast Tobacco control in Australia 2014 Departure from Australia

 Photography: Australia 2007

執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The article was written and photographs were taken by Dr. Junhaku Miyamoto, in May 2001,
and revised in January 2010.

Copyright (C) 2001 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

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Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

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